Paul Munns Blog

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 27 November 2018

Comment (21)

So if you have it in your grass and you don’t want it, the question is can you get rid of it? The...

Date Posted: 20 November 2018

Comment (29)

(The following information applies to Couch and Kikuyu lawns only). When to Scarify Yo...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 14 November 2018

Comment (4)

Turf mites literally suck the life out of your lawn leaving it lifeless and patchy. The good news...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 29 August 2018

So what does this mean for your lawn? Spring is by far the best time of year for lawns – with the...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 12 June 2018

Most lawns in Australia are warm season grasses. These grasses include couches, kikuyu and buffal...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 16 May 2018

There is lots of chatter around the internet asking the question of whether Ants can predict immi...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 26 April 2018

Comment (3)

As the weather cools down, weed seeds and bulbs stored in the soil from previous seasons ge...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 10 April 2018

Comment (1)

The most common issue faced by lawns during long periods of dry weather is that the soil under th...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 20 March 2018

Comment (3)

It has small dark green/red leaves with spots on them (hence the name) and it has the capacity to...

Date Posted: 17 January 2018

Comment (3)

The combination of hot and dry weather often brings about an influx of customers wondering why th...

Date Posted: 6 December 2017

25 years ago, for every 10 of our customers, 9 would buy lawn seed and 1 would buy roll out turf....

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 10 October 2017

There are many chemicals that will selectively control weeds in lawn. The type you choose depends...

Date Posted: 30 September 2017

With Spring well and truly here, most lawns have emerged out of their winter dormancy into the ne...

Date Posted: 19 September 2017

Comment (1)

Having recently planned a project for a new lawn myself, I was reminded again how many things the...

Date Posted: 12 September 2017

If you’re considering putting in a Synthetic grass in the near future, you will no doubt have lot...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 1 September 2017

Comment (1)

Leaf spot (historically referred to as Helminthosporium but now known as Bipolaris ,...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 1 June 2017

Most lawns go into dormancy or stop growing when the weather gets too cold. That can be a blessin...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 1 December 2016

Comment (1)

It’s been a long and wet winter this year in anyone’s book. We’ve seen wild storms, huge rain eve...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 5 March 2016

At this time of year, after the heat of summer has passed, the humble home lawn can often look a ...

Author: Stefan Palm   Date Posted: 2 January 2014

If we’ve ever had a hot week, it’s the one just gone, with 7 days looking like this: 39, 40, 43, ...